Our Practice in Etobicoke

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Improving Your Life, Not Just Your Vision

At Elite Vision Therapy Centre, our team is dedicated to bettering your life. Every day, we see the difference better vision makes in our patients’ lives, and we’re here to help you realize it, too. 

Our team has a wealth of experience and expertise to help you achieve your vision goals, no matter where you are on your journey. We offer comprehensive eye care services, treatments, and a wide selection of eyewear so your needs are always met.

Meet the Elite Vision Therapy Centre Team

Dr. Angela Peddle

Dr. Angela Peddle


Dr. Jeff Speers

Dr. Jeff Speers


Dr. Hannah Wong

Dr. Hannah Wong


Dr. Jonathan Niavis

Dr. Jonathan Niavis


Dr. Hadassa Rutman

Dr. Hadassa Rutman




Vision Therapist



Vision Therapist

Dr. Oskar Shura

Dr. Oskar Shura

Pediatric & Vision Therapy Resident

Our Location

Our practice is located on Scarlett Road in Etobicoke, just south of Eglinton Avenue West and across from the Humber River.

Elite Vision Therapy is centrally located so everyone in the area can have access to the eye care they need. Can’t find us? Please give us a call!

Our Address

  • 332 Scarlett Rd., Unit 1D
  • Etobicoke, ON M9A 4S4

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